Source code for asreview.models.feature_extraction.embedding_lstm

# Copyright 2019-2022 The ASReview Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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__all__ = ["EmbeddingLSTM"]

import gzip
import io
import logging
import time
from multiprocessing import Process
from multiprocessing import Queue
from multiprocessing import cpu_count
from pathlib import Path
from urllib.request import urlopen

import numpy as np

from asreview.models.feature_extraction.base import BaseFeatureExtraction
from asreview.utils import get_data_home

    from tensorflow.keras.preprocessing.sequence import pad_sequences
    from tensorflow.keras.preprocessing.text import Tokenizer
except ImportError:
    TF_AVAILABLE = False

def _check_tensorflow():
    if not TF_AVAILABLE:
        raise ImportError("Install tensorflow package to use" " Embedding LSTM.")

[docs] class EmbeddingLSTM(BaseFeatureExtraction): """Embedding LSTM feature extraction technique (``embedding-lstm``). Feature extraction technique for :class:`asreview.models.classifiers.LSTMBaseClassifier` and :class:`asreview.models.classifiers.LSTMPoolClassifier` models. .. note:: This feature extraction technique requires ``tensorflow`` to be installed. Use ``pip install asreview[tensorflow]`` or install all optional ASReview dependencies with ``pip install asreview[all]`` Arguments --------- loop_sequence: bool Instead of zeros at the start/end of sequence loop it. num_words: int Maximum number of unique words to be processed. max_sequence_length: int Maximum length of the sequence. Shorter get struncated. Longer sequences get either padded with zeros or looped. padding: str Which side should be padded [pre/post]. truncating: Which side should be truncated [pre/post]. n_jobs: Number of processors used in reading the embedding matrix. """ name = "embedding-lstm" label = "Embedding LSTM" def __init__( self, *args, loop_sequence=1, num_words=20000, max_sequence_length=1000, padding="post", truncating="post", n_jobs=1, **kwargs, ): """Initialize the embedding matrix feature extraction.""" super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.embedding = None self.num_words = num_words self.max_sequence_length = max_sequence_length self.padding = padding self.truncating = truncating self.n_jobs = n_jobs self.loop_sequence = loop_sequence
[docs] def transform(self, texts): _check_tensorflow() self.X, self.word_index = text_to_features( texts, loop_sequence=self.loop_sequence, num_words=self.num_words, max_sequence_length=self.max_sequence_length, padding=self.padding, truncating=self.truncating, ) return self.X
[docs] def get_embedding_matrix(self, texts, embedding_fp): _check_tensorflow() self.fit_transform(texts) if embedding_fp is None: embedding_fp = Path(get_data_home(), EMBEDDING_EN["name"]).expanduser() if not embedding_fp.exists(): logging.warning( "Warning: will start to download large " "embedding file in 10 seconds." ) time.sleep(10) download_embedding()"Loading embedding matrix. " "This can take several minutes.") embedding = load_embedding(embedding_fp, n_jobs=self.n_jobs) return sample_embedding(embedding, self.word_index)
EMBEDDING_EN = { "url": "", # noqa "name": "", } def loop_sequences(X, max_sequence_length=1000): # Loop the sequences instead of padding. for i, old_x in enumerate(X): nz = max_sequence_length - 1 while nz >= 0 and old_x[nz] == 0: nz -= 1 # If there are only 0's (no data), continue. if nz < 0: continue nz += 1 new_x = old_x.copy() j = 1 # Copy the old data to the new matrix. while nz * j < max_sequence_length: cp_len = min(nz * (j + 1), max_sequence_length) - nz * j new_x[nz * j : nz * j + cp_len] = old_x[0:cp_len] j += 1 X[i] = new_x return X def text_to_features( sequences, loop_sequence=1, num_words=20000, max_sequence_length=1000, padding="post", truncating="post", ): """Convert text data into features. Arguments --------- sequences: list, numpy.ndarray, pandas.Series The sequences to convert into features. num_words: int See keras Tokenizer Returns ------- np.ndarray, dict The array with features and the dictiory that maps words to values. """ # fit on texts tokenizer = Tokenizer(num_words=num_words) tokenizer.fit_on_texts(sequences) # tokenize sequences tokens = tokenizer.texts_to_sequences(sequences) # Pad sequences with zeros. x = pad_sequences( tokens, maxlen=max_sequence_length, padding=padding, truncating=truncating ) if loop_sequence == 1: x = loop_sequences(x, max_sequence_length) # word index hack. see issue # word_index = {e: i for e, i in tokenizer.word_index.items() if i <= num_words} return x, word_index def _embedding_reader(filename, input_queue, block_size=1000): """Process that reads the word embeddings from a file. Parameters ---------- filename: str File of trained embedding vectors. input_queue: Queue Queue to store jobs in. block_size: int Number of lines for each job. """ with open(filename, encoding="utf-8", newline="\n") as f: # Throw away the first line, since we don't care about the dimensions. f.readline() i_line = 0 buffer = [] # Read the embedding file line by line. for line in f: i_line += 1 buffer.append(line) # If the buffer is full, write it to the queue. if i_line == block_size: input_queue.put(buffer) i_line = 0 buffer = [] if i_line > 0: input_queue.put(buffer) # Put the string "DONE" in the queue, to ensure that the # worker processes finish. input_queue.put("DONE") def _embedding_worker(input_queue, output_queue, emb_vec_dim, word_index=None): """Process that reads the word embeddings from a file. Parameters ---------- input_queue: Queue Queue in which the jobs are submitted. output_queue: Queue Queue to store the embedding in dictionary form. emb_vec_dim: int Dimension of each embedding vector. word_index: dict Dictionary of the sample embedding. """ bad_input = False bad_values = {} while True: embedding = {} buffer = input_queue.get() if buffer == "DONE": break for line in buffer: line = line.rstrip() values = line.split(" ") if len(values) != emb_vec_dim + 1: if not bad_input: print("Error: bad input in embedding vector.") bad_input = True bad_values = values break word = values[0] if word_index is not None and word not in word_index: continue coefs = values[1 : emb_vec_dim + 1] # store the results embedding[word] = np.asarray(coefs, dtype=np.float32) output_queue.put(embedding) # We removed the "DONE" from the input queue, so put it back in for # the other processes. input_queue.put("DONE") # Store the results in the output queue if bad_input: output_queue.put({"ErrorBadInputValues": bad_values}) output_queue.put("DONE") def _embedding_aggregator(output_queue, n_worker): """Process that aggregates the results of the workers. This should be the main/original process. Parameters ---------- output_queue: Queue This queue is the output queue of the workers. n_worker: int The number of worker processes. Returns ------- Aggregated embedding dictionary. """ embedding = {} num_done = 0 while num_done < n_worker: new_embedding = output_queue.get() if new_embedding == "DONE": num_done += 1 else: embedding.update(new_embedding) return embedding def download_embedding( url=EMBEDDING_EN["url"], name=EMBEDDING_EN["name"], data_home=None ): """Download word embedding file. Download word embedding file, unzip the file and save to the file system. Parameters ---------- url: str The URL of the gzipped word embedding file name: str The filename of the embedding file. data_home: str The location of the ASR datasets. Default `asreview.utils.get_data_home()` """ if data_home is None: data_home = get_data_home() out_fp = Path(data_home, name)"Start downloading: {url}") r = urlopen(url) compressed_file = io.BytesIO("Save embedding to {out_fp}") decompressed_file = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=compressed_file) with open(out_fp, "wb") as out_file: for line in decompressed_file: out_file.write(line) def load_embedding(fp, word_index=None, n_jobs=None): """Load embedding matrix from file. The embedding matrix needs to be stored in the FastText format. Parameters ---------- fp: str File path of the trained embedding vectors. word_index: dict Sample word embeddings. n_jobs: int Number of processes to parse the embedding (+1 process for reading). verbose: int The verbosity. Default 1. Returns ------- dict: The embedding weights stored in a dict with the word as key and the weights as values. """ # Maximum number of jobs in the queue. queue_size = 500 # Set the number of reader processes to use. if n_jobs is None: n_jobs = 1 elif n_jobs == -1: n_jobs = cpu_count() - 1 input_queue = Queue(queue_size) output_queue = Queue() with open(fp, encoding="utf-8", newline="\n") as f: n_words, emb_vec_dim = list(map(int, f.readline().split(" "))) logging.debug(f"Reading {n_words} vectors with {emb_vec_dim} dimensions.") worker_procs = [] p = Process(target=_embedding_reader, args=(fp, input_queue), daemon=True) worker_procs.append(p) for _ in range(n_jobs): p = Process( target=_embedding_worker, args=(input_queue, output_queue, emb_vec_dim, word_index), daemon=True, ) worker_procs.append(p) # Start workers. for proc in worker_procs: proc.start() embedding = _embedding_aggregator(output_queue, n_jobs) # Merge dictionaries of workers # Join workers for proc in worker_procs: proc.join() if "ErrorBadInputValues" in embedding: bad_values = embedding["ErrorBadInputValues"] raise ValueError(f"Check embedding matrix, bad format: {bad_values}") logging.debug(f"Found {len(embedding)} word vectors.") return embedding def sample_embedding(embedding, word_index): """Sample embedding matrix Parameters ---------- embedding: dict A dictionary with the words and embedding vectors. word_index: dict A word_index like the output of Keras Tokenizer.word_index. verbose: int The verbosity. Default 1. Returns ------- (np.ndarray, list): The embedding weights strored in a two dimensional numpy array and a list with the corresponding words. """ n_words, emb_vec_dim = len(word_index), len(next(iter(embedding.values()))) logging.debug( f"Creating matrix with {n_words} vectors " f"with dimension {emb_vec_dim}." ) # n+1 because 0 is preserved in the tokenizing process. embedding_matrix = np.zeros((n_words + 1, emb_vec_dim)) for word, i in word_index.items(): coefs = embedding.get(word) if coefs is not None: embedding_matrix[i] = coefs logging.debug(f"Shape of embedding matrix: {embedding_matrix.shape}") return embedding_matrix