Source code for

# Copyright 2019-2022 The ASReview Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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__all__ = ["ReviewSimulate"]

from datetime import datetime

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from asreview.project import open_state
from import BaseReview
from import LABEL_NA
from asreview.utils import get_random_state

def sample_prior_knowledge(
    labels, n_prior_included=10, n_prior_excluded=10, random_state=None
    """Function to sample prelabelled articles.

    labels: np.ndarray
        Array of labels, with 1 -> included, 0 -> excluded.
    n_prior_included: int
        The number of positive labels.
    n_prior_excluded: int
        The number of negative labels.
    random_state : int, asreview.utils.SeededRandomState instance or None,
        optional (default=None)
        Random state or it's seed.

        An array with n_included and n_excluded indices.

    # set random state
    r = get_random_state(random_state)

    # retrieve the index of included and excluded papers
    included_idx = np.where(labels == 1)[0]
    excluded_idx = np.where(labels == 0)[0]

    if len(included_idx) < n_prior_included:
        raise ValueError(
            f"Number of included priors requested ({n_prior_included})"
            f" is bigger than number of included papers "
    if len(excluded_idx) < n_prior_excluded:
        raise ValueError(
            f"Number of excluded priors requested ({n_prior_excluded})"
            f" is bigger than number of excluded papers "
    # select randomly from included and excluded papers
    included_indexes_sample = r.choice(included_idx, n_prior_included, replace=False)
    excluded_indexes_sample = r.choice(excluded_idx, n_prior_excluded, replace=False)

    init = np.append(included_indexes_sample, excluded_indexes_sample)

    return init

def naive_prior_knowledge(labels):
    """Select top records until the first 0 and 1 are found.

    labels: np.ndarray
        Array of labels, with 1 -> included, 0 -> excluded.

        An array with prior indices from top dataset.


    # retrieve the index of included and excluded papers
    first_included_idx = np.where(labels == 1)[0].min()
    first_excluded_idx = np.where(labels == 0)[0].min()

    return np.arange(max(first_included_idx, first_excluded_idx) + 1)

[docs] class ReviewSimulate(BaseReview): """ASReview Simulation mode class. Arguments --------- as_data: asreview.ASReviewData The data object which contains the text, labels, etc. model: BaseModel Initialized model to fit the data during active learning. See for possible models. query_model: BaseQueryModel Initialized model to query new instances for review, such as random sampling or max sampling. See for query models. balance_model: BaseBalanceModel Initialized model to redistribute the training data during the active learning process. They might either resample or undersample specific papers. feature_model: BaseFeatureModel Feature extraction model that converts texts and keywords to feature matrices. n_prior_included: int Sample n prior included papers. n_prior_excluded: int Sample n prior excluded papers. prior_indices: int Prior indices by row number. n_instances: int Number of papers to query at each step in the active learning process. stop_if: int Number of steps/queries to perform. Set to None for no limit. start_idx: numpy.ndarray Start the simulation/review with these indices. They are assumed to be already labeled. Failing to do so might result bad behaviour. init_seed: int Seed for setting the prior indices if the --prior_idx option is not used. If the option prior_idx is used with one or more index, this option is ignored. state_file: str Path to state file. write_interval: int After how many labeled records to write the simulation data to the state. """ name = "simulate" def __init__( self, as_data, *args, n_prior_included=0, n_prior_excluded=0, prior_indices=None, init_seed=None, write_interval=None, **kwargs, ): self.n_prior_included = n_prior_included self.n_prior_excluded = n_prior_excluded self.write_interval = write_interval # check for partly labeled data labels = as_data.labels labeled_idx = np.where((labels == 0) | (labels == 1))[0] if len(as_data) == 0: raise ValueError("Supply a dataset with at least one record.") if len(labeled_idx) != len(labels): raise ValueError("Expected fully labeled dataset.") if prior_indices is not None and len(prior_indices) != 0: start_idx = prior_indices else: start_idx = as_data.prior_data_idx if len(start_idx) == 0 and n_prior_included + n_prior_excluded > 0: start_idx = sample_prior_knowledge( labels, n_prior_included, n_prior_excluded, random_state=init_seed ) else: start_idx = naive_prior_knowledge(labels) super(ReviewSimulate, self).__init__( as_data, *args, start_idx=start_idx, **kwargs ) # Setup the reviewer attributes that take over the role of state # functions. with open_state(self.project) as state: # Check if there is already a ranking stored in the state. if state.model_has_trained: self.last_ranking = state.get_last_ranking() self.last_probabilities = state.get_last_probabilities() else: self.last_ranking = None self.last_probabilities = None self.labeled = state.get_labeled() self.pool = pd.Series( [ record_id for record_id in self.record_table if record_id not in self.labeled["record_id"].values ] ) self.training_set = len(self.labeled) # Get the number of queries. training_sets = state.get_training_sets() # There is one query per trained model. We subtract 1 # for the priors. self.total_queries = len(set(training_sets)) - 1 # Check that both labels are available. if (0 not in self.labeled["label"].values) or ( 1 not in self.labeled["label"].values ): raise ValueError( "Not both labels available Make sure there" " is an included and excluded record in " "the priors." ) self.results = pd.DataFrame( [], columns=[ "record_id", "label", "classifier", "query_strategy", "balance_strategy", "feature_extraction", "training_set", "labeling_time", "notes", ], ) def _label_priors(self): """Make sure all the priors are labeled as well as the pending labels.""" with open_state(self.project, read_only=False) as state: # Make sure the prior records are labeled. labeled = state.get_labeled() unlabeled_priors = [ x for x in self.prior_indices if x not in labeled["record_id"].to_list() ] labels = self.data_labels[unlabeled_priors] with open_state(self.project, read_only=False) as s: s.add_labeling_data(unlabeled_priors, labels, prior=True) # Make sure the pending records are labeled. pending = state.get_pending() pending_labels = self.data_labels[pending] state.add_labeling_data(pending, pending_labels)
[docs] def review(self): super().review() self._write_to_state()
def _stop_review(self): """In simulation mode, the stop review function should get the labeled records list from the reviewer attribute.""" # if the pool is empty, always stop if self.pool.empty: return True # If stop_if is set to min, stop when all papers in the pool are # irrelevant. if self.stop_if == "min" and (self.data_labels[self.pool] == 0).all(): return True # Stop when reaching stop_if (if provided) if isinstance(self.stop_if, int) and self.total_queries >= self.stop_if: return True return False
[docs] def train(self): """Train a new model on the labeled data.""" # Check if both labels are available is done in init for simulation. # Use the balance model to sample the trainings data. new_training_set = len(self.labeled) y_sample_input = ( pd.DataFrame(self.record_table) .merge(self.labeled, how="left", on="record_id") .loc[:, "label"] .fillna(LABEL_NA) .to_numpy() ) train_idx = np.where(y_sample_input != LABEL_NA)[0] X_train, y_train = self.balance_model.sample(self.X, y_sample_input, train_idx) # Fit the classifier on the trainings data., y_train) # Use the query strategy to produce a ranking. ranked_record_ids, relevance_scores = self.query_strategy.query( self.X, classifier=self.classifier, return_classifier_scores=True ) self.last_ranking = pd.concat( [pd.Series(ranked_record_ids), pd.Series(range(len(ranked_record_ids)))], axis=1, ) self.last_ranking.columns = ["record_id", "label"] # The scores for the included records in the second column. self.last_probabilities = relevance_scores[:, 1] self.training_set = new_training_set
def _query(self, n): """In simulation mode, the query function should get the n highest ranked unlabeled records, without writing the model data to the results table. The""" unlabeled_ranking = self.last_ranking[ self.last_ranking["record_id"].isin(self.pool) ] self.total_queries += 1 return unlabeled_ranking["record_id"].iloc[:n].to_list() def _label(self, record_ids, prior=False): """In simulation mode, the label function should also add the model data to the results table.""" labels = self.data_labels[record_ids] labeling_time = results = [] for record_id, label in zip(record_ids, labels): results.append( { "record_id": int(record_id), "label": int(label), "classifier":, "query_strategy":, "balance_strategy":, "feature_extraction":, "training_set": int(self.training_set), "labeling_time": str(labeling_time), "notes": None, } ) self.results = pd.concat( [self.results, pd.DataFrame(results)], ignore_index=True ) # Add the record ids to the labeled and remove from the pool. new_labeled_data = pd.DataFrame( zip(record_ids, labels), columns=["record_id", "label"] ) self.labeled = pd.concat([self.labeled, new_labeled_data], ignore_index=True) self.pool = self.pool[~self.pool.isin(record_ids)] if (self.write_interval is not None) and ( len(self.results) >= self.write_interval ): self._write_to_state() return labels def _write_to_state(self): """Write the data that has not yet been written to the state.""" # Write the data to the state. if len(self.results) > 0: rows = [tuple(self.results.iloc[i]) for i in range(len(self.results))] with open_state(self.project, read_only=False) as state: state._add_labeling_data_simulation_mode(rows) state.add_last_ranking( self.last_ranking["record_id"].to_numpy(),,,,, self.training_set, ) state.add_last_probabilities(self.last_probabilities) # Empty the results table in memory. self.results.drop(self.results.index, inplace=True)