Source code for asreview.models.balance.triple

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__all__ = []

import logging

import numpy as np

from asreview.models.balance.base import BaseBalance
from asreview.models.balance.double import DoubleBalance
from asreview.models.balance.double import _one_weight
from asreview.models.balance.double import _zero_weight
from asreview.models.balance.double import fill_training
from asreview.models.balance.double import random_round
from asreview.utils import get_random_state

[docs] class TripleBalance(BaseBalance): """Triple balance strategy (``triple``). Broken. Only for internal and experimental use. This divides the training data into three sets: included papers, excluded papers found with random sampling and papers found with max sampling. They are balanced according to formulas depending on the percentage of papers read in the dataset, the number of papers with random/max sampling etc. Works best for stochastic training algorithms. Reduces to both full sampling and undersampling with corresponding parameters. Arguments --------- a: float Governs the weight of the 1's. Higher values mean linearly more 1's in your training sample. alpha: float Governs the scaling the weight of the 1's, as a function of the ratio of ones to zeros. A positive value means that the lower the ratio of zeros to ones, the higher the weight of the ones. b: float Governs how strongly we want to sample depending on the total number of samples. A value of 1 means no dependence on the total number of samples, while lower values mean increasingly stronger dependence on the number of samples. beta: float Governs the scaling of the weight of the zeros depending on the number of samples. Higher values means that larger samples are more strongly penalizing zeros. c: float Value between one and zero that governs the weight of samples done with maximal sampling. Higher values mean higher weight. gamma: float Governs the scaling of the weight of the max samples as a function of the % of papers read. Higher values mean stronger scaling. """ name = "triple" label = "Dynamic resampling (Triple)" def __init__( self, a=2.155, alpha=0.94, b=0.789, beta=1.0, c=0.835, gamma=2.0, shuffle=True, random_state=None, ): """Initialize the triple balance strategy.""" super(TripleBalance, self).__init__() self.a = a self.alpha = alpha self.b = b self.beta = beta self.c = c self.gamma = gamma self.shuffle = shuffle self.fallback_model = DoubleBalance( a=a, alpha=alpha, b=b, beta=beta, random_state=random_state ) self._random_state = get_random_state(random_state)
[docs] def sample(self, X, y, train_idx, shared): """Resample the training data. Arguments --------- X: numpy.ndarray Complete feature matrix. y: numpy.ndarray Labels for all papers. train_idx: numpy.ndarray Training indices, that is all papers that have been reviewed. shared: dict Dictionary to share data between balancing models and other models. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray,numpy.ndarray: X_train, y_train: the resampled matrix, labels. """ max_idx = np.array(shared["query_src"].get("max", []), dtype=int) rand_idx = np.array([], dtype=int) for qtype in shared["query_src"]: if qtype != "max": rand_idx = np.append(rand_idx, shared["query_src"][qtype]) rand_idx = rand_idx.astype(int) # Write them back for next round. if self.shuffle: self._random_state.shuffle(rand_idx) self._random_state.shuffle(max_idx) if len(rand_idx) == 0 or len(max_idx) == 0: logging.debug( "Warning: trying to use triple balance, but unable" f" to, because we have {len(max_idx)} max samples " f"and {len(rand_idx)} random samples." ) return self.fallback_model.sample(X, y, train_idx, shared) # Split the idx into three groups: 1's, random 0's, max 0's. one_idx = train_idx[np.where(y[train_idx] == 1)] zero_max_idx = max_idx[np.where(y[max_idx] == 0)] zero_rand_idx = rand_idx[np.where(y[rand_idx] == 0)] if len(zero_rand_idx) == 0 or len(zero_max_idx) == 0: logging.debug( "Warning: trying to use triple balance, but unable " f"to, because we have {len(zero_max_idx)} zero max" f"samples and {len(zero_rand_idx)} random samples." ) return self.fallback_model.sample(X, y, train_idx, shared) n_one = len(one_idx) n_zero_rand = len(zero_rand_idx) n_zero_max = len(zero_max_idx) n_samples = len(y) n_train = len(train_idx) # Get the distribution of 1's, and random 0's and max 0's. n_one_train, n_zero_rand_train, n_zero_max_train = _get_triple_dist( n_one, n_zero_rand, n_zero_max, n_samples, n_train, self.a, self.alpha, self.b, self.beta, self.c, self.gamma, self._random_state, ) logging.debug( f"(1, 0_rand, 0_max) = ({n_one_train}, " f"{n_zero_rand_train}, {n_zero_max_train})" ) one_train_idx = fill_training(one_idx, n_one_train, self._random_state) zero_rand_train_idx = fill_training( zero_rand_idx, n_zero_rand_train, self._random_state ) zero_max_train_idx = fill_training( zero_max_idx, n_zero_max_train, self._random_state ) all_idx = np.concatenate( [one_train_idx, zero_rand_train_idx, zero_max_train_idx] ) self._random_state.shuffle(all_idx) return X[all_idx], y[all_idx]
[docs] def full_hyper_space(self): from hyperopt import hp parameter_space = { "bal_a": hp.lognormal("bal_a", 0, 1), "bal_alpha": hp.uniform("bal_alpha", 0, 2), "bal_b": hp.uniform("bal_b", 0, 1), # "bal_zero_beta": hp.uniform("bal_zero_beta", 0, 2), "bal_c": hp.uniform("bal_c", 0, 1), # "bal_zero_max_gamma": hp.uniform("bal_zero_max_gamma", 0.01, 2) } return parameter_space, {}
def _zero_max_weight(fraction_read, c, gamma): """ Get the weight ratio between ones and zeros. Parameters ---------- beta: Exponent governing decay of 1's to 0's. delta: Asymptotic ratio for infinite number of samples. Returns ------- float: Weight ratio between 1's and 0's """ weight = 1 - (1 - c) * (1 - fraction_read) ** gamma return weight def _get_triple_dist( n_one, n_zero_rand, n_zero_max, n_samples, n_train, one_a, one_alpha, zero_b, zero_beta, zero_max_c, zero_max_gamma, random_state, ): "Get the number of 1's, random 0's and max 0's in each mini epoch." n_zero = n_zero_rand + n_zero_max n_read = n_one + n_zero one_weight = _one_weight(n_one, n_zero, one_a, one_alpha) zero_weight = _zero_weight(n_read, zero_b, zero_beta) zero_max_weight = _zero_max_weight(n_read / n_samples, zero_max_c, zero_max_gamma) tot_zo_weight = one_weight * n_one + zero_weight * n_zero n_one_train = random_round( one_weight * n_one * n_train / tot_zo_weight, random_state ) n_one_train = max(1, min(n_train - 2, n_one_train)) n_zero_train = n_train - n_one_train tot_rm_weight = 1 * n_zero_rand + zero_max_weight * n_zero_max n_zero_rand_train = random_round( n_zero_train * 1 * n_zero_rand / tot_rm_weight, random_state ) n_zero_rand_train = max(1, min(n_zero_rand - 1, n_zero_rand_train)) n_zero_max_train = n_zero_train - n_zero_rand_train return n_one_train, n_zero_rand_train, n_zero_max_train