Source code for asreview.state.sqlstate

# Copyright 2019-2022 The ASReview Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

__all__ = ["SQLiteState"]

import json
import sqlite3
from datetime import datetime
from pathlib import Path

import pandas as pd

from asreview._version import get_versions
from asreview.settings import ASReviewSettings
from asreview.state.base import BaseState
from asreview.state.errors import StateError
from asreview.state.errors import StateNotFoundError

    # the table with the labeling decisions and models trained
    # the mapping of record identifiers to row numbers
    # the latest probabilities.
    # the latest ranking.
    # the record ids whose labeling decision was changed.


[docs] class SQLiteState(BaseState): """Class for storing the review state. The results are stored in a sqlite database. Arguments --------- read_only: bool Open state in read only mode. Default False. Attributes ---------- version: str Return the version number of the state. settings: asreview.settings.ASReviewSettings Return an ASReview settings object with model settings and active learning settings. n_records_labeled: int Get the number of labeled records, where each prior is counted individually. n_priors: int Number of priors. If priors have not been selected returns None. exist_new_labeled_records: bool Have there been labeled records added to the state since the last time a model ranking was added to the state? model_has_trained: bool Has the ranking by a model been added to the state? """ def __init__(self, read_only=True): super(SQLiteState, self).__init__(read_only=read_only) # INTERNAL PATHS AND CONNECTIONS def _connect_to_sql(self): """Get a connection to the SQLite database. Returns ------- sqlite3.Connection Connection to the the SQLite database. The connection is read only if self.read_only is true. """ if self.read_only: con = sqlite3.connect(f"file:{str(self._sql_fp)}?mode=ro", uri=True) else: con = sqlite3.connect(str(self._sql_fp)) return con @property def _sql_fp(self): """Get the path to the sqlite database.""" return Path(self.review_dir, "results.sql") @property def _settings_metadata_fp(self): """Get the path to the settings and metadata json file.""" return Path(self.review_dir, "settings_metadata.json") def _create_new_state_file(self, working_dir, review_id): """Create the files for storing a new state given an review_id. Stages: 1: create result structure 2: create model settings 3: add state to the project file Arguments --------- review_dir: str, pathlib.Path Review folder location. review_id: str Identifier of the review. """ if self.read_only: raise ValueError("Can't create new state file in read_only mode.") self.review_dir = Path(working_dir, "reviews", review_id) # create folder in the folder `results` with the name of result_id self._sql_fp.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # Create results table. con = self._connect_to_sql() try: cur = con.cursor() # Create the results table. cur.execute( """CREATE TABLE results (record_id INTEGER, label INTEGER, classifier TEXT, query_strategy TEXT, balance_strategy TEXT, feature_extraction TEXT, training_set INTEGER, labeling_time INTEGER, notes TEXT)""" ) # Create the record table. cur.execute( """CREATE TABLE record_table (record_id INT)""" ) # Create the last_probabilities table. cur.execute( """CREATE TABLE last_probabilities (proba REAL)""" ) # Create the last_ranking table. cur.execute( """CREATE TABLE last_ranking (record_id INTEGER, ranking INT, classifier TEXT, query_strategy TEXT, balance_strategy TEXT, feature_extraction TEXT, training_set INTEGER, time INTEGER)""" ) # Create the table of changed decisions. cur.execute( """CREATE TABLE decision_changes (record_id INTEGER, new_label INTEGER, time INTEGER)""" ) con.commit() con.close() except sqlite3.Error as e: con.close() raise e # Create settings_metadata.json file # content of the settings is added later self.settings_metadata = { "settings": None, "state_version": "1", "software_version": get_versions()["version"], "model_has_trained": False, } with open(self._settings_metadata_fp, "w") as f: json.dump(self.settings_metadata, f) def _restore(self, working_dir, review_id): """ Restore a state from files. Arguments --------- review_dir: str, pathlib.Path Review folder location. review_id: str Identifier of the review. """ # store filepath self.review_dir = Path(working_dir, "reviews", review_id) # If state already exist if not working_dir.is_dir(): raise StateNotFoundError(f"Project {working_dir} doesn't exist.") if not self._sql_fp.parent.is_dir(): raise StateNotFoundError(f"Review with id {review_id} doesn't exist.") # Cache the settings. try: with open(self._settings_metadata_fp, "r") as f: self.settings_metadata = json.load(f) except FileNotFoundError: raise AttributeError( "'settings_metadata.json' not found in the state file." ) try: if not self._is_valid_version(): raise ValueError( f"State cannot be read: state version {self.version}, " f"state file version {self.version}." ) except AttributeError as err: raise ValueError(f"Unexpected error when opening state file: {err}") self._is_valid_state() def _is_valid_state(self): con = self._connect_to_sql() cur = con.cursor() column_names = cur.execute("PRAGMA table_info(results)").fetchall() table_names = cur.execute( "SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table';" ).fetchall() con.close() # Check if all required tables are present. table_names = [tup[0] for tup in table_names] missing_tables = [ table for table in REQUIRED_TABLES if table not in table_names ] if missing_tables: raise StateError( f"The SQL file should contain tables named " f"'{' '.join(missing_tables)}'." ) # Check if all required columns are present in results. column_names = [tup[1] for tup in column_names] missing_columns = [ col for col in RESULTS_TABLE_COLUMNS if col not in column_names ] if missing_columns: raise StateError( f"The results table does not contain the columns " f"{' '.join(missing_columns)}." ) # Check settings_metadata contains the required keys. missing_keys = [ key for key in SETTINGS_METADATA_KEYS if key not in self.settings_metadata.keys() ] if missing_keys: raise StateError( f"The keys {' '.join(missing_keys)} were not found in " f"settings_metadata." )
[docs] def close(self): pass
# PROPERTIES def _is_valid_version(self): """Check compatibility of state version.""" return self.version[0] == "1" @property def version(self): """Version number of the state. Returns ------- str: Returns the version of the state. """ try: return self.settings_metadata["state_version"] except KeyError: raise AttributeError( "'settings_metadata.json' does not contain 'state_version'." ) @property def settings(self): """Settings of the ASReview pipeline. Example ------- Example of settings. model : nb query_strategy : max_random balance_strategy : triple feature_extraction: tfidf n_instances : 1 stop_if : min n_prior_included : 10 n_prior_excluded : 10 mode : simulate model_param : {'alpha': 3.822} query_param : {'strategy_1': 'max', 'strategy_2': 'random', 'mix_ratio': 0.95} feature_param : {} balance_param : {'a': 2.155, 'alpha': 0.94, ... 'gamma': 2.0, 'shuffle': True} abstract_only : False """ settings = self.settings_metadata["settings"] if settings is None: return None return ASReviewSettings(**settings) @settings.setter def settings(self, settings): if isinstance(settings, ASReviewSettings): self._add_settings_metadata("settings", settings.to_dict()) else: raise ValueError("'settings' should be an ASReviewSettings object.") @property def n_records(self): """Number of records in the loop. Returns ------- int Number of records. """ con = self._connect_to_sql() cur = con.cursor() cur.execute("SELECT COUNT (*) FROM record_table") n = cur.fetchone()[0] con.close() return n @property def n_records_labeled(self): """Number labeled records. Returns ------- int Number of labeled records, priors counted individually. """ labeled = self.get_labeled() return len(labeled) @property def n_priors(self): """Number of records added as prior knowledge. Returns ------- int Number of records which were added as prior knowledge. """ con = self._connect_to_sql() cur = con.cursor() cur.execute("SELECT COUNT (*) FROM results WHERE query_strategy='prior'") n = cur.fetchone() con.close() n = n[0] if n == 0: return None return n @property def exist_new_labeled_records(self): """Return True if there are new labeled records. Return True if there are any record labels added since the last time the model ranking was added to the state. Also returns True if no model was trained yet, but priors have been added. """ labeled = self.get_labeled() last_training_set = self.get_last_ranking()["training_set"] if last_training_set.empty: return len(labeled) > 0 else: return len(labeled) > last_training_set.iloc[0] @property def model_has_trained(self): """Return True if there is data of a trained model in the state.""" return self.settings_metadata["model_has_trained"] def _add_settings_metadata(self, key, value): """Add information to the settings_metadata dictionary.""" if self.read_only: raise ValueError("Can't change settings in read only mode.") self.settings_metadata[key] = value with open(self._settings_metadata_fp, "w") as f: json.dump(self.settings_metadata, f)
[docs] def add_record_table(self, record_ids): """Add the record table to the state. Arguments --------- record_ids: list, np.array List containing all record ids of the dataset. """ record_sql_input = [(int(record_id),) for record_id in record_ids] con = self._connect_to_sql() cur = con.cursor() cur.execute("DELETE FROM record_table") cur.executemany( "INSERT INTO record_table (record_id) VALUES (?)", record_sql_input ) con.commit()
[docs] def add_last_probabilities(self, probabilities): """Save the probabilities produced by the last classifier. Arguments --------- probabilities: list, np.array List containing the relevance scores for every record. If this is None, the last probabilities table in the state is emptied. """ if probabilities is None: con = self._connect_to_sql() cur = con.cursor() cur.execute("""DELETE FROM last_probabilities""") con.commit() return proba_sql_input = [(proba,) for proba in probabilities] con = self._connect_to_sql() cur = con.cursor() # Check that the number of rows in the table is 0 (if the table is not # yet populated), or that it's equal to len(probabilities). cur.execute("SELECT COUNT (*) FROM last_probabilities") proba_length = cur.fetchone()[0] if not ((proba_length == 0) or (proba_length == len(proba_sql_input))): raise ValueError( f"There are {proba_length} probabilities in the database, " f"but 'probabilities' has length {len(probabilities)}" ) cur.execute("""DELETE FROM last_probabilities""") cur.executemany( "INSERT INTO last_probabilities (proba) VALUES (?)", proba_sql_input ) con.commit()
[docs] def add_last_ranking( self, ranked_record_ids, classifier, query_strategy, balance_strategy, feature_extraction, training_set, ): """Save the ranking of the last iteration of the model. Save the ranking of the last iteration of the model, in the ranking order, so the record on row 0 is ranked first by the model. Arguments --------- ranked_record_ids: list, numpy.ndarray A list of records ids in the order that they were ranked. classifier: str Name of the classifier of the model. query_strategy: str Name of the query strategy of the model. balance_strategy: str Name of the balance strategy of the model. feature_extraction: str Name of the feature extraction method of the model. training_set: int Number of labeled records available at the time of training. """ record_ids = self.get_record_table() if len(record_ids) != len(ranked_record_ids): raise ValueError( "The ranking should have the same length as the " "record table." ) ranking = range(len(record_ids)) classifiers = [classifier for _ in record_ids] query_strategies = [query_strategy for _ in record_ids] balance_strategies = [balance_strategy for _ in record_ids] feature_extractions = [feature_extraction for _ in record_ids] training_sets = [int(training_set) for _ in record_ids] ranking_times = [] * len(record_ids) # Create the database rows. db_rows = [ ( int(ranked_record_ids[i]), int(ranking[i]), classifiers[i], query_strategies[i], balance_strategies[i], feature_extractions[i], training_sets[i], ranking_times[i], ) for i in range(len(record_ids)) ] con = self._connect_to_sql() cur = con.cursor() cur.execute("DELETE FROM last_ranking") cur.executemany( ( "INSERT INTO last_ranking (record_id, ranking, classifier, " "query_strategy, balance_strategy, feature_extraction, " "training_set, time) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)" ), db_rows, ) con.commit() con.close() # If it's the first ranking table to be added, set model_has_trained. if not self.model_has_trained: self._add_settings_metadata("model_has_trained", True)
[docs] def add_note(self, note, record_id): """Add a text note to save with a labeled record. Arguments --------- note: str Text note to save. record_id: int Identifier of the record to which the note should be added. """ con = self._connect_to_sql() cur = con.cursor() cur.execute( "UPDATE results SET notes = ? WHERE record_id = ?", (note, record_id) ) con.commit() con.close()
[docs] def add_labeling_data(self, record_ids, labels, notes=None, prior=False): """Add the data corresponding to a labeling action to the state file. Arguments --------- record_ids: list, numpy.ndarray A list of ids of the labeled records as int. labels: list, numpy.ndarray A list of labels of the labeled records as int. notes: list of str/None A list of text notes to save with the labeled records. prior: bool Whether the added record are prior knowledge. """ # Check if the state is still valid. self._is_valid_state() labeling_times = [] * len(record_ids) if notes is None: notes = [None for _ in record_ids] lengths = [len(record_ids), len(labels), len(notes)] # Check that all input data has the same length. if len(set(lengths)) != 1: raise ValueError("Input data should be of the same length.") n_records_labeled = len(record_ids) pool, _, pending = self.get_pool_labeled_pending() if prior: # Check that the record_ids are in the pool. if not all(record_id in pool.values for record_id in record_ids): raise ValueError( "Labeling priors, but not all " "record_ids were found in the pool." ) query_strategies = ["prior" for _ in record_ids] training_sets = [-1 for _ in record_ids] data = [ ( int(record_ids[i]), int(labels[i]), query_strategies[i], training_sets[i], labeling_times[i], notes[i], ) for i in range(n_records_labeled) ] # If prior, we need to insert new records into the database. query = ( "INSERT INTO results (record_id, label, query_strategy, " "training_set, labeling_time, notes) " "VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)" ) else: # Check that the record_ids are pending. if not all(record_id in pending.values for record_id in record_ids): raise ValueError( "Labeling records, but not all " "record_ids were pending." ) data = [ (int(labels[i]), labeling_times[i], notes[i], int(record_ids[i])) for i in range(n_records_labeled) ] # If not prior, we need to update records. query = ( "UPDATE results SET label=?, labeling_time=?, " "notes=? WHERE record_id=?" ) # Add the rows to the database. con = self._connect_to_sql() cur = con.cursor() cur.executemany(query, data) con.commit() con.close()
def _add_labeling_data_simulation_mode(self, rows): """Add labeling and model data to the results table. Add the labeling data and the model data at the same time to the results table. This is used for the simulation mode, since the model data is available at the time of labeling. Arguments ---------- rows : list of tuples List of tuples (record_id: int, label: int, classifier: str, query_strategy: str, balance_strategy: str, feature_extraction: str, training_set: int, labeling_time: int, notes: str). """ query = ( "INSERT INTO results (record_id, label, classifier, " "query_strategy, balance_strategy, feature_extraction, " "training_set, labeling_time, notes) " "VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)" ) con = self._connect_to_sql() cur = con.cursor() cur.executemany(query, rows) con.commit() con.close()
[docs] def update_decision(self, record_id, label, note=None): """Change the label of an already labeled record. Arguments --------- record_id: int Id of the record whose label should be changed. label: 0 / 1 New label of the record. note: str Note to add to the record. """ con = self._connect_to_sql() cur = con.cursor() # Change the label. cur.execute( "UPDATE results SET label = ?, notes = ? " "WHERE record_id = ?", (label, note, record_id), ) # Add the change to the decision changes table. cur.execute( ( "INSERT INTO decision_changes (record_id, new_label, time) " "VALUES (?, ?, ?)" ), (record_id, label,, ) con.commit() con.close()
[docs] def delete_record_labeling_data(self, record_id): """Delete the labeling data for the given record id. Arguments ---------- record_id : str Identifier of the record to delete. """ current_time = con = self._connect_to_sql() cur = con.cursor() cur.execute("DELETE FROM results WHERE record_id=?", (record_id,)) # Add the change to the decision changes table. cur.execute( ( "INSERT INTO decision_changes (record_id, new_label, time) " "VALUES (?,?, ?)" ), (record_id, None, current_time), ) con.commit() con.close()
[docs] def get_decision_changes(self): """Get the record ids for any decision changes. Get the record ids of the records whose labels have been changed after the original labeling action. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame Dataframe with columns 'record_id', 'new_label', and 'time' for each record of which the labeling decision was changed. """ con = self._connect_to_sql() change_table = pd.read_sql_query("SELECT * FROM decision_changes", con) con.close() return change_table
[docs] def get_record_table(self): """Get the record table of the state. Returns ------- pd.Series: Series with name 'record_id' containing the record ids. """ con = self._connect_to_sql() record_table = pd.read_sql_query("SELECT * FROM record_table", con) record_table = record_table["record_id"] con.close() return record_table
[docs] def get_last_probabilities(self): """Get the probabilities produced by the last classifier. Returns ------- pd.Series: Series with name 'proba' containing the probabilities. """ con = self._connect_to_sql() last_probabilities = pd.read_sql_query("SELECT * FROM last_probabilities", con) con.close() return last_probabilities["proba"]
[docs] def get_last_ranking(self): """Get the ranking from the state. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame Dataframe with columns 'record_id', 'ranking', 'classifier', 'query_strategy', 'balance_strategy', 'feature_extraction', 'training_set' and 'time'. It has one row for each record in the dataset, and is ordered by ranking. """ con = self._connect_to_sql() last_ranking = pd.read_sql_query("SELECT * FROM last_ranking", con) con.close() return last_ranking
def _move_ranking_data_to_results(self, record_ids): """Move data from the ranking to the results table. Move the data with the given record_ids from the last_ranking table to the results table. Arguments --------- record_ids: list List of record ids in last ranking whose model data should be added to the results table. """ if self.model_has_trained: record_list = [(record_id,) for record_id in record_ids] con = self._connect_to_sql() cur = con.cursor() cur.executemany( """INSERT INTO results (record_id, classifier, query_strategy, balance_strategy, feature_extraction, training_set) SELECT record_id, classifier, query_strategy, balance_strategy, feature_extraction, training_set FROM last_ranking WHERE record_id=?""", record_list, ) con.commit() con.close() else: raise StateError("Save trained model data " "before using this function.")
[docs] def query_top_ranked(self, n): """Get the top ranked records from the ranking table. Get the top n instances from the pool according to the last ranking. Add the model data to the results table. Arguments --------- n: int Number of instances. Returns ------- list List of record_ids of the top n ranked records. """ if self.model_has_trained: pool = self.get_pool() top_n_records = pool[:n].to_list() self._move_ranking_data_to_results(top_n_records) else: raise StateError("Save trained model data " "before using this function.") return top_n_records
[docs] def get_data_by_query_number(self, query, columns=None): """Get the data of a specific query from the results table. Arguments --------- query: int Number of the query of which you want the data. query=0 corresponds to all the prior records. columns: list List of columns names of the results table. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame Dataframe containing the data from the results table with the given query number and columns. """ if columns is not None: if not isinstance(columns, list): raise ValueError("The columns argument should be a list.") col_query_string = "*" if columns is None else ",".join(columns) if query == 0: sql_query = ( f"SELECT {col_query_string} FROM results WHERE " f"query_strategy='prior'" ) else: rowid = query + self.n_priors sql_query = ( f"SELECT {col_query_string} FROM results WHERE " f"rowid={rowid}" ) con = self._connect_to_sql() data = pd.read_sql_query(sql_query, con) con.close() return data
[docs] def get_data_by_record_id(self, record_id, columns=None): """Get the data of a specific query from the results table. Arguments --------- record_id: int Record id of which you want the data. columns: list List of columns names of the results table. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame Dataframe containing the data from the results table with the given record_id and columns. """ query_string = "*" if columns is None else ",".join(columns) con = self._connect_to_sql() data = pd.read_sql_query( f"SELECT {query_string} FROM results WHERE record_id={record_id}", con ) con.close() return data
[docs] def get_dataset(self, columns=None, priors=True, pending=False): """Get a subset from the results table. Can be used to get any column subset from the results table. Most other get functions use this one, except some that use a direct SQL query for efficiency. Arguments --------- columns: list, str List of columns names of the results table, or a string containing one column name. priors: bool Whether to keep the records containing the prior knowledge. pending: bool Whether to keep the records which are pending a labeling decision. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame: Dataframe containing the data of the specified columns of the results table. """ if isinstance(columns, str): columns = [columns] if (not priors) or (not pending): sql_where = [] if not priors: sql_where.append("query_strategy is not 'prior'") if not pending: sql_where.append("label is not NULL") sql_where_str = f"WHERE {sql_where[0]}" if len(sql_where) == 2: sql_where_str += f" AND {sql_where[1]}" else: sql_where_str = "" # Query the database. query_string = "*" if columns is None else ",".join(columns) con = self._connect_to_sql() data = pd.read_sql_query( f"SELECT {query_string} FROM results {sql_where_str}", con ) con.close() return data
[docs] def get_order_of_labeling(self, priors=True, pending=False): """Get full array of record id's in order that they were labeled. Arguments --------- priors: bool Whether to keep the records containing the prior knowledge. pending: bool Whether to keep the records are pending a labeling decision. Returns ------- pd.Series: The record_id's in the order that they were labeled. """ return self.get_dataset("record_id", priors=priors, pending=pending)[ "record_id" ]
[docs] def get_priors(self, columns=["record_id"]): """Get the record ids of the priors. Returns ------- pd.Series: The record_id's of the priors in the order they were added. """ query_string = "*" if columns is None else ",".join(columns) con = self._connect_to_sql() data = pd.read_sql_query( f"SELECT {query_string} FROM results" " WHERE query_strategy is 'prior'", con, ) con.close() return data
[docs] def get_labels(self, priors=True, pending=False): """Get the labels from the state. Arguments --------- priors: bool Whether to keep the records containing the prior knowledge. pending: bool Whether to keep the records which are pending a labeling decision. Returns ------- pd.Series: Series containing the labels at each labelling moment. """ return self.get_dataset("label", priors=priors, pending=pending)["label"]
[docs] def get_classifiers(self, priors=True, pending=False): """Get the classifiers from the state. Arguments --------- priors: bool Whether to keep the records containing the prior knowledge. pending: bool Whether to keep the records which are pending a labeling decision. Returns ------- pd.Series: Series containing the classifier used at each labeling moment. """ return self.get_dataset("classifier", priors=priors, pending=pending)[ "classifier" ]
[docs] def get_query_strategies(self, priors=True, pending=False): """Get the query strategies from the state. Arguments --------- priors: bool Whether to keep the records containing the prior knowledge. pending: bool Whether to keep the records which are pending a labeling decision. Returns ------- pd.Series: Series containing the query strategy used to get the record to query at each labeling moment. """ return self.get_dataset("query_strategy", priors=priors, pending=pending)[ "query_strategy" ]
[docs] def get_balance_strategies(self, priors=True, pending=False): """Get the balance strategies from the state. Arguments --------- priors: bool Whether to keep the records containing the prior knowledge. pending: bool Whether to keep the records which are pending a labeling decision. Returns ------- pd.Series: Series containing the balance strategy used to get the training data at each labeling moment. """ return self.get_dataset("balance_strategy", priors=priors, pending=pending)[ "balance_strategy" ]
[docs] def get_feature_extraction(self, priors=True, pending=False): """Get the query strategies from the state. Arguments --------- priors: bool Whether to keep the records containing the prior knowledge. pending: bool Whether to keep the records which are pending a labeling decision. Returns ------- pd.Series: Series containing the feature extraction method used for the classifier input at each labeling moment. """ return self.get_dataset("feature_extraction", priors=priors, pending=pending)[ "feature_extraction" ]
[docs] def get_training_sets(self, priors=True, pending=False): """Get the training_sets from the state. Arguments --------- priors: bool Whether to keep the records containing the prior knowledge. pending: bool Whether to keep the records which are pending a labeling decision. Returns ------- pd.Series: Series containing the training set on which the classifier was fit at each labeling moment. """ return self.get_dataset("training_set", priors=priors, pending=pending)[ "training_set" ]
[docs] def get_labeling_times(self, time_format="int", priors=True, pending=False): """Get the time of labeling from the state. Arguments --------- time_format: 'int' or 'datetime' Format of the return value. If it is 'int' you get a UTC timestamp, if it is 'datetime' you get datetime instead of an integer. priors: bool Whether to keep the records containing the prior knowledge. pending: bool Whether to keep the records which are pending a labeling decision. Returns ------- pd.Series: If format='int' you get a UTC timestamp (integer number of microseconds), if it is 'datetime' you get datetime format. """ times = self.get_dataset("labeling_time", priors=priors, pending=pending)[ "labeling_time" ] # Convert time to datetime format. if time_format == "datetime": times = times.applymap(lambda x: datetime.utcfromtimestamp(x / 10**6)) return times
# Get pool, labeled and pending in slightly more optimized way than via # get_dataset.
[docs] def get_pool(self): """Get the unlabeled, not-pending records in ranking order. Get the pool of unlabeled records, not pending a labeling decision, in the ranking order. If you only want the records in the pool, this is more efficient than via 'get_pool_labeled_pending'. Returns ------- pd.Series Series containing the record_ids of the unlabeled, not pending records, in the order of the last available ranking. """ # If model has trained, using ranking to order pool. con = self._connect_to_sql() if self.model_has_trained: query = """SELECT last_ranking.record_id, last_ranking.ranking, results.query_strategy FROM last_ranking LEFT JOIN results ON last_ranking.record_id = results.record_id WHERE results.query_strategy is null ORDER BY ranking """ df = pd.read_sql_query(query, con) # Else return all records not yet in the results table. else: query = """SELECT record_table.record_id, results.query_strategy FROM record_table LEFT JOIN results ON record_table.record_id = results.record_id WHERE results.query_strategy is null """ df = pd.read_sql_query(query, con) con.close() return df["record_id"]
[docs] def get_labeled(self): """Get the labeled records in order of labeling. Get the record_ids and labels of the labeled records in order of labeling. If you only want the labeled records, this is more efficient than via 'get_pool_labeled_pending'. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame Dataframe containing the record_ids and labels of the labeled records, in the order that they were labeled. """ con = self._connect_to_sql() query = """SELECT record_id, label FROM results WHERE label is not null""" df = pd.read_sql_query(query, con) con.close() return df
[docs] def get_pending(self): """Get the record_ids of the records pending a labeling decision. If you only want the pending records, this is more efficient than via 'get_pool_labeled_pending'. Returns ------- pd.Series A series containing the record_ids of the records whose label is pending. """ con = self._connect_to_sql() query = """SELECT record_id FROM results WHERE label is null""" df = pd.read_sql_query(query, con) con.close() return df["record_id"]
[docs] def get_pool_labeled_pending(self): """Return the unlabeled pool, labeled and pending records. Convenience function to get the pool, labeled and pending records in one SQL query. If you only want one of these, it is more efficient to use the methods 'get_pool', 'get_labeled' or 'get_pending'. Returns ------- tuple (pd.Series, pd.DataFrame, pd.Series): Returns a tuple (pool, labeled, pending). Pool is a series containing the unlabeled, not pending record_ids, ordered by the last predicted ranking of the model. Labeled is a dataframe containing the record_ids and labels of the labeled records, in the order that they were labeled. Pending is a series containing the record_ids of the records whose label is pending. """ con = self._connect_to_sql() query = """SELECT record_table.record_id, results.label, results.rowid AS label_order, results.query_strategy, last_ranking.ranking FROM record_table LEFT JOIN results ON results.record_id=record_table.record_id LEFT JOIN last_ranking ON record_table.record_id=last_ranking.record_id ORDER BY label_order, ranking """ df = pd.read_sql_query(query, con) con.close() labeled = df.loc[~df["label"].isna()].loc[:, ["record_id", "label"]].astype(int) pool = df.loc[df["label_order"].isna(), "record_id"].astype(int) pending = ( df.loc[df["label"].isna() & ~df["query_strategy"].isna()] .loc[:, "record_id"] .astype(int) ) return pool, labeled, pending