Server configuration

ASReview LAB offers a number of options to run the application on a server. It is possible to run the application on a server with or without authentication. The latter is the default option. This page describes how to configure the ASReview LAB application to run on a server with authentication enabled. With authentication enabled, users can to run their projects in their own separate workspaces. Authentication requires the storage of user accounts and link these accounts to projects. Currently we are using a SQLite database (asreview.development.sqlite or asreview.production.sqlite) in the ASReview projects folder to store that information.

Bare bones authentication

The most basic configuration of the ASReview application with authentication is to run the application from the CLI with the --enable-auth flag. The application will start with authentication enabled and will create a SQLite database if it does not exist. The database will be stored in the ASReview projects folder. The database contains the user accounts and links them to projects.

Start the application with authentication enabled:

asreview lab --enable-auth --secret-key=<secret key> --salt=<salt>

where --enable-auth forces the application to run in an authenticated mode, <secret key> is a string that is used for encrypting cookies and <salt> is a string that is used to hash passwords. The --secret-key and --salt parameters are mandatory if authentication is required.

To create user accounts, one can use the add-users command of the auth-tool sub command of the ASReview application:

asreview auth-tool add-users --db-uri=sqlite:////path/example.sqlite

For more information about auth-tool and creating users, see the section Create user accounts below.

Full authentication configuration

To configure the authentication in more detail we need to create a TOML file that contains all relevant authentication parameters. The parameters in that TOML file will override parameters that were passed in the CLI. Below is an example of a TOML file (extension .toml) that enables authentication and OAuth with Github, Orcid and Google. It also enables email verification and allows users to create their own accounts. The email server is configured to confirm new accounts and to allow users to retrieve a new password if they forget it. The TOML file also contains the necessary parameters to run the application in a secure way (https).

SECRET_KEY = "<secret key>"

MAIL_SERVER = "<smtp-server>"
MAIL_USERNAME = "<smtp-server-username>"
MAIL_PASSWORD = "<smtp-server-password>"
MAIL_USE_TLS = false
MAIL_DEFAULT_SENDER = "<preferred reply email address>"

        TOKEN_URL = ""
        CLIENT_ID = "<GitHub client ID>"
        CLIENT_SECRET = "<GitHub client secret>"
        SCOPE = ""

        TOKEN_URL = ""
        CLIENT_ID = "<Orcid client ID>"
        CLIENT_SECRET = "<Orcid client secret>"
        SCOPE = "/authenticate"

        TOKEN_URL = ""
        CLIENT_ID = "<Google client ID>"
        CLIENT_SECRET = "<Google client secret>"
        SCOPE = "profile email"

Store the TOML file on the server and start the ASReview application from the CLI with the --flask-configfile parameter:

asreview lab --flask-configfile=<path-to-TOML-config-file>

A number of the keys in the TOML file are standard Flask parameters. The keys that are specific for authenticating ASReview are summarized below:

  • DISABLE_LOGIN: if set to false the application will start with authentication. If the SQLite database does not exist, one will be created during startup.

  • SECRET_KEY: the secret key is a string that is used to encrypt cookies and is mandatory if authentication is required.

  • SECURITY_PASSWORD_SALT: another string used to hash passwords, also mandatory if authentication is required.

  • SESSION_COOKIE_SAMESITE: Restrict how cookies are sent with requests from external sites. In the example the value is set to “Lax” which is the recommended option. If backend and frontend are served on different domains set to the string “None”.

  • ALLOW_ACCOUNT_CREATION: enables account creation by users, either by front- or backend.

  • EMAIL_VERIFICATION: used in conjunction with ALLOW_ACCOUNT_CREATION. If set to true the system sends a verification email after account creation. Only relevant if the account is __not__ created by OAuth. This parameter can be omitted if you don’t want verification.

  • MAIL_<PAR>: configuration parameters to setup the SMTP email server that is used for email verification. It also allows users to retrieve a new password after forgetting it. Don’t forget to enter the reply address (MAIL_DEFAULT_SENDER) of your system emails. Remove these parameters if system emails for verification and password retrieval are unwanted.

  • OAUTH: an authenticated ASReview application may integrate with the OAuth functionality of Github, Orcid and Google. Provide the necessary OAuth login credentails (for Github, Orcid en Google). Please note that the AUTHORIZATION_URL and TOKEN_URL of the Orcid entry are sandbox-urls, and thus not to be used in production. Omit this parameter if OAuth is unwanted.

The SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI key is not included in the TOML file. This key is used to configure the database connection. The default value is sqlite:///asreview.production.sqlite. This means that the application will use the SQLite database in the ASReview projects folder. If you would like to use a different database, you can add the SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI key to the TOML file.

Set the SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI environment variable to the path of the database. For example, to use the SQLite database in the ASReview projects folder:

FLASK_SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = "sqlite:///asreview.production.sqlite"

PostgreSQL database

You can replace the SQLite database with a PostgreSQL database. This requires an extra step during installation and an extra step in the configuration file:

  1. Install the psycopg2 package. At the time of this writing 2 versions of this package exist: psycopg2 and psycopg2-binary. According to the documentation the binary version works on most operating systems.

  2. Then add the SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI key to the config file:

SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = "postgresql+psycopg2://username:password@host:port/database_name"

Create authentication database and tables with auth-tool

Server administrators can create a database for authentication with the auth-tool sub command of the ASReview application:

asreview auth-tool create-db --db-uri=sqlite:////path/example.sqlite

Please note that in this example, the –db-uri option is explicitly configured. However, it is not mandatory. If access to the authentication database is needed, the auth-tool utility first checks whether the –db-uri option has been provided. If not, it then examines the presence of the SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI environment variable. In the absence of this variable as well, the script defaults to utilizing the database URI associated with the standard SQLite database pre-configured in the ASReview folder.

Create user accounts with auth-tool

Create user accounts interactively or by using a JSON string to bulk insert the accounts with add-users. To add user accounts interactively run the following command:

asreview auth-tool add-users --db-uri=sqlite:////path/example.sqlite

The tool will prompt you if you would like to add a user account. Type Y to continue and enter an email address, name, affiliation (not required) and a password for every person. Continue to add as many users as you would like.

If you would like to bulk insert user accounts use the --json option:

asreview auth-tool add-users \
        --db-uri=sqlite:////path/example.sqlite \
        -j "[{\"email\": \"\", \"name\": \"Name of User\", \"affiliation\": \"Some Place\", \"password\": \"1234@ABcd\"}]"

The JSON string represents a Python list with a dictionary for every user account with the following keys: email, name, affiliation and password. Note that passwords require at least one symbol. These symbols, such as the exclamation mark, may compromise the integrity of the JSON string.

List projects with auth-tool

The auth-tool sub command of the ASReview application can be used to list projects.

Lists all projects with the list-projects command:

asreview auth-tool list-projects

List the projects in JSON format with the --json flag:

asreview auth-tool list-projects --json

The command returns a convenient JSON string that can be used to bulk insert and link projects into the database. The string represents a list containing a dictionary for every project.

List users with auth-tool

The auth-tool sub command of the ASReview application can be used to list users.

Lists all users with the list-users command:

asreview auth-tool list-users

Migrate projects from unauthenticated to authenticated

By default, the ASReview application runs in an unauthenticated mode. This means that all projects are stored in the same workspace. This is fine for a single user, but not for multiple users. If you would like to run the application in an authenticated mode, you need to convert the existing projects into authenticated ones with user identifiers assigned to each project. If you don’t do this, you won’t see any projects in the authenticated mode.

First, list all users with the list-users command. Create users if you don’t have users yet.

asreview auth-tool list-users --db-uri=sqlite:////path/example.sqlite

List all projects with the list-projects command. The command returns a

asreview auth-tool list-projects

Migrate the projects into the authenticated database can be done interactively:

asreview auth-tool link-projects --db-uri=sqlite:////path/example.sqlite

The tool will list project by project and asks what the ID of the owner is. That ID can be found in the user list below the project information.

You can also insert all project information by using the JSON string that was produced with the list-projects command. Add user identifiers to each project in the JSON string. For example, if the user ID of the owner is 15, the JSON string should look like this

asreview auth-tool link-projects \
        --db-uri=sqlite:////path/example.sqlite \
        --json "[{\"folder\": \"project-id\", \"version\": \"1.3\", \"project_id\": \"project-id\", \"name\": \"project 1\", \"authors\": \"Authors\", \"created\": \"2023-04-12 21:23:28.625859\", \"owner_id\": 15}]"